Happy new year to everyone!
Well, this post goes back to a client that I counsoldate just before the holidays. He had a problem with his lower back(spondylolysis if you want the exact medical term).
His orthopeadic surgean suggested that the best for this specific client was only exercise, and not surgery. I reviewed what the doctor suggested for this client and I could not believed what he told me. All the exercices that the doctor told the client were totally off.....really really off. I could not underastand why this doctor did not refer this client to a trainer.
The plan of action, in short, for this client was to correct his exercises, stretch the right musculature, educate the client to protect his spine, and add some more exercises that are vital for recovery.
I can understand why people trust doctors, but you have to realize that a doctor does not know anything about exercise. Maybe they know what exercises can help you if you have an injury, but just knowing the 'right' exercises is one piece of the buzzle.
A fitness professional is the person to go to for this kind of issues. Performing the exercises correctly, progressing the training program with new exercises, education the client which movements are 'good' or 'bad' for them, stretch the muscle that are affected by the injury(which most of the time are not the muscles that the pain is localized) are some of the job duties of an exercise specialist.
You have to realize that doctors do not know it all! I'm out.......
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