Friday, March 20, 2009

Kyphotic Posture

Hey everyone,
Well well well........I will admit that 70% of the clients that I train or they train at Dessange gym have increased thoracic kyphotic posture. Are you one of those individuals hm........
Bad posture at the upper area of the spine is associated with excess bad sitting habits. Maintaining this bad posture for a long time can create other problems like neck or shoulder problems.
Here are some tips to try an correct this increase thoracic bad kyphotic posture:
  1. If you are trapped in a sitting position for any reason for more that 2 hours, try and break it up by walking for couple of minutes.
  2. Exercise the right muscles and stretch the ones that are tight is the correct philosophy. Strengthen specifically the thoracic erector spinae, multifidus/ rotatores, rhomboids, midddle/ lower trapezius, teres minor, infraspinatus and pretty much have to strengthen your mid- back and all the shoulder tendons that are located at the back of the shoulder. Stretch specifically the chest, upper abdominals,front shoulders , and lattisimus dorsi.
  3. Upper body Mobility techniques and foam rollers are really very useful.
  4. Medical massage targeting the upper body is suggested to loosen up the muscles and tendons.

The bottom line is.....start moving now...use it or lose it.....doooooooo it. I'm out........

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