Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Effective training program Vs Soreness?

It seems that individuals that perform any kind of activity and especially resistance training are mislead with muscle soreness which is wrong translated with an effective training regime. Muscle soreness doesn't have to do with an effective program.... that's a true fact.
Whatever is your training goal, that's what your training regime should focus. Getting sore from a workout does not mean that you executed a well planned program. Muscle soreness is associated with heavy weight loading of an exercise or high volume...doing a lot of exercises of example or it can be from a new set of exercises tried for the first time. I will admit that muscle soreness can be beneficial if you are aiming for muscle hypertrophy, but if thats not the case you better think twice. Don't forget the other key elements of an effective exercise regime.
On the other hand, an effective training program should focus on training goals where the technique is kept in an optimal form and each exercise performed has always a reason why it is performed.
I hope you figured out my all depends on your goal, but make sure that you know the why you perform each individual exercise. I'm out.....


Anonymous said...

Please help me. I am a 15 yr old female who would like to have very low percent body fat and a lot of muscle mass.I currently play volleyball, basketball, and do workouts at the gym. I take whey, fish oil, and a multi-vitamin. I was thinking of taking creatine, but don't know if it would be a help to me. I'm also pescatarian(vegetarian who eats fish). Any nutritional or work-out tips to achieve my goal?

Andreas Prezas, 'The Cypriot Dude' said...

You should really focus on your training goals although its to early because you are still young. Why is muscle mass so important for you?

A well balance nutrition will take care of your creatine worries. In my opinion you do not need any supplements at your age.

On the other hand, creatine has been proven that is save to use and it does increase your muscle mass if you know the correct loading regime.

It seems that I can not suggest anything on your training or eating regime because it all depends on how much you train, what kind of body type you are and so forth...