Saturday, March 19, 2011

One of my favorite core exercises!

This core exercise is an old one, but I will admit is one of my top on the list core exercise. No more crunches. Tips before performing it.....a.Make sure you extend your back slightly so your abdominals are in full stretch, b. the movement should only comes from the core, c. the arms do not pull at all, and d. maintain a tight core while performing it. This is the core exercise that any Aspida team bjj athlete should use!

Another video is coming up, so be ready. I'm out.......

Friday, March 4, 2011

Caffeine and Performance 5 facts!

Hey everyone,

It's been a long time to write cause of a busy schedule. These are the latest caffeine facts related to performance:

  • Coffee in tablets or capsule has more ergogenic effect than regular coffee drinking.
  • Low to moderate dosage (3-6mg/ kg) can enhance performance.
  • Alertness and Vigilance are evident from coffee intake especially in athletes during time of exhaustion.
  • Caffeine intake has ergogenic effects on maximum endurance performance, and
  • Training protocols, fitness status, habituation to coffee, and body weight are equally important to determine the correct caffeine dosage.
These are the latest 5 coffee facts related to performance. Go ahead and drink coffee, its good for you. Always be aware though of the dosage per day. I'm out.......


Goldestein et al. 2010. International society of sports nutrition position stand: caffeine and performance. JISSN , 7:5.