Sunday, May 11, 2008

5 Favorite Exercises!

These are 5 personal favorite exercises that I currently use. Bracing(holding abdominal in) is a MUST while performing these exercises. If you are not familiar with the bracing technique ask a trainer at your local gym. As for the sets and reps start slow and then you progress until you feel comfortable with each exercise.
Lunge with valslide

This exercise works the whole leg muscles(quads, hams, glutes) and balance. If you do not have the valslide, use a towel. The leg that is back slides back and forth while bending the other leg.

Single Arm Chest Press

This exercise looks easy, but try it out and let me know. You are using not only the chest, but of course your abdominal becasue you are off balance, and your hamstrings are firing as well.

Reverse Grip Pull- Up

The band assists you in this exercise. You position the band through your bend knee. Stronger bands can be used for more assistance. Back and Biceps are the primary muscles working, as for the grip...its a good variation.

Abdominal Oblique Blaster

Your obliques can be on fire with this specific exercise. The further you move out the harder.

Single Leg Deadlift holding the cable

Make sure that your back is straight when you lean forward and knee slightly bend. Lean forward until back is parallel to the floor and then move to the upright position.

ENJOY, and let me know how these exercises feel.....I'm out.

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